This year for Lent I have been considering whether I wanted to give something up or add something, or even do nothing at all. Nothing at all seemed not to be my best option since I'm clearly not perfect yet - God is still working on me so I should use this opportunity to let him. So I decided the area I need the most work is my prayer life. There's a lot of unknown in my life right now, and prayer is the best way to remind myself to rely on God. I will be doing a lot of this on my own time and not blogging or facebooking it, but one of the ways I connect with God is when others speak the words of my heart, and all I can do is say "yes. that." And those moments I will share, in the awareness that my moments may speak to someone else. I heard this song last night on the radio, and it seemed appropriate for today. Even though I don't know what your plan is I know you make beauty from these ashes. Today we are reminded that we came from a...