
Showing posts from March, 2014

Beautiful Things

I don't have anything specific to share tonight, but I got to experience true worship with this band tonight (Gungor), and I think they're amazing.  So I thought I would share with you my favorite of their songs... Enjoy!

Embrace the squiggle

Have you ever been on a tilt-a-whirl or scrambler, or any of those other spinning rides at fairs and amusement parks?  Those rides where you spin in different directions at the same time and you kind of forget which is way is up and when you get off you almost fall over because you're so off balance?  They used to be my favorite when I was younger, probably because I didn't really like heights.  But that was back before I got motion sickness on a simple swing.  I can't do those rides anymore.  But I was thinking about them today. See the theme of my day seemed to be embrace the squiggle.  I am attending the Simply Youth Ministry Conference this weekend, and in the session I am attending, which is focused on junior high ministry, we talked about how we want youth's path to Christ to be that straight line toward Jesus. We think that's the ideal.  But we know that's not a reality - so instead we think of it more as a path with peaks and valleys - kind o...

Everybody's scared

I heard this song yesterday when I was out driving and it stuck with me, especially this section: Everybody's scared to death When they decide to take that step Out on the water But it'll be alright The part that really stuck out to me was the first line: "Everybody's scared to death."  Often it seems when we're afraid we think we're the only one.  We look at other people and they seem so brave to us for the things they are willing to try.  And so we don't want to admit to our fear because for some reason our society has labeled fear as a weakness. I remember when I was in middle school the "No Fear" shirts that everyone had to have - including me.  I had one that said "Second place is the first loser."  Our society values not being afraid, so when we feel scared we keep it bottled inside.  But the reality is that with our fear bottled inside - it often has more power.  And everyone is afraid. I once read somethin...

Beauty from Ashes

This year for Lent I have been considering whether I wanted to give something up or add something, or even do nothing at all.  Nothing at all seemed not to be my best option since I'm clearly not perfect yet - God is still working on me so I should use this opportunity to let him. So I decided the area I need the most work is my prayer life.  There's a lot of unknown in my life right now, and prayer is the best way to remind myself to rely on God.  I will be doing a lot of this on my own time and not blogging or facebooking it, but one of the ways I connect with God is when others speak the words of my heart, and all I can do is say "yes. that."  And those moments I will share, in the awareness that my moments may speak to someone else. I heard this song last night on the radio, and it seemed appropriate for today.   Even though I don't know what your plan is I know you make beauty from these ashes. Today we are reminded that we came from a...