Have you ever played hide and seek with a 2 year old? You know, when they hide in a corner because if they can't see you then clearly you can't see them. Their brains have not yet developed the ability to understand that their reality is not the same as your reality. When I was at Emmaus, this was one image that kept popping in my mind, because it is what I try to do with God. And then this morning I read this (these quotes are from Grace for the Good Girl: Letting Go of the Try-Hard Life by Emily P. Freeman) : I hide behind my smile and my laid-back personality. I hide behind fine and good . I hide behind strong and responsible. I hide behind busy and comfortable and working hard toward your expectations. And if I do not meet your expectations, I hide behind indifferent. And the reason behind this... My idea of who I should be is at war with who I am. I want to be perfect in every situation. ...