
Showing posts from July, 2012

Work Mission

So I am down here in North Carolina with the SUMC Youth Work Mission Team. There are 39 of. So far it has been what I am referring to as a "Comedy of Plan B," but we have been managing quite well. It all started Friday night when major storms went through Ohio, just as we were getting ready to pack. It put us a little behind schedule to start with, but honestly, I felt like the packing process went smoother than any other work mission I have been on. Saturday morning, the goal was to leave at 4 and it was about 4:20 that we got on the road - not bad for as many people as we had. A few hours later the challenges began. When we got to southern Ohio, we hit a detour due to a bridge out that added an hour to our drive, but more than that we learned how expansive the power outages were as we saw long lines at the gas stations and many were without power. We also learned that many rest areas were without power - and when they don't have power the bathroom is closed. For...